More information about our DEI Council

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council

Encouraging Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Creation of the DEI Council

In the pursuit of a more robust organisation, one of the first steps we took in Europe was the creation of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council in 2021.

The council's goal is to drive the DEI Strategy forward by ensuring that its local implementation is successful. At the same time, the Council will provide a discussion platform that will guarantee the inclusion of Liberty's employees' voices and perspectives.

Here are the Council's central goals:


Connect DEI's activities with Liberty Seguros's broader strategy.


Promote a profound organisational change that will encourage Diversity, Equity & Inclusion​ in alignment with the company's policy.


Build result-oriented accountability and promote communication within each market on the progress made.


Involve all Council members in the decisions taken and employees in the developed actions. 

Our DEI Council consists of European employees from different communities and backgrounds. The Council meets monthly to discuss other actions and ensure their implementation. 

Within the DEI Council, four working groups consider the DEI focus areas. Each group is responsible for identifying several actions to implement correctly aligned with the objectives of the DEI Council and the DEI framework.

The DEI framework



Cultural Dexterity

Cultural Dexterity

DEI Framework Disability
