Is your home going to be unoccupied this Easter weekend? Here are five home security tips to put your mind at ease

Published on 5 April 2023
Consumer Spotlight Home Security
  • Research from Liberty Insurance finds one in five Irish homeowners have no security measures installed in their homes
  • Only half of Irish homeowners have installed a security alarm
  • More than half of homeowners avoid posting on social media while on holidays
  • 60% rely on neighbours to keep an eye out while travelling

With many people expected to use the long Easter weekend for getaway breaks, the following key steps should be considered to ensure your home is kept safe while you are away.

One in five Irish homeowners have no security measures installed in their homes, according to new research released today by Liberty Insurance, while there are a variety of measures homeowners can take to minimise the risk of burglaries while they are away from home, over the Easter weekend, or during the summer ahead.

  1. Ensure you have security measures in place and that they are working

Research carried out by Liberty Insurance and RED C in January and February 2023 found that 18% of homeowners have no home security measures, with this number highest in Connaught/Ulster at 31%. Of those surveyed, only 53% of those across the country were found to have installed a home security alarm, with this number highest among Dublin homeowners at 78%. Home alarms can play a key role in protecting your home, and it is important to ensure alarms have been serviced and are functioning correctly.

  1. Ask neighbours to keep an eye out while you are away

Relying on neighbours is the single most popular measure Irish homeowners rely on for home security while away, with 61% saying they ask their neighbours to keep an eye on their home. Asking a trusted neighbour to regularly check in on your home can add an additional level of security while also ensuring any damage from flooding, leaks etc. does not go unnoticed.

  1. Avoid social media posts about your holiday while you are away

More than half of Irish homeowners (53%) already avoid posting on social media about their holidays while they are away. Posts that identify that people are not at home can be easily seen by potential burglars, so if you wish to post holiday photos on social media, it is best to do so once you have returned.

  1. Cancel regular deliveries and ask neighbours to collect mail

A buildup of uncollected home deliveries such as milk or newspapers can be an obvious sign that a house may be unoccupied. If you are going to be away, cancelling these deliveries for the duration of your absence can help reduce this risk. Just one in seven (14%) of Irish homeowners already cancel these regular deliveries before going on holidays. Similarly, a visible accumulation of mail can also indicate an unoccupied home, so asking trusted neighbours to collect mail while you are away can help reduce this risk.

  1. Install and use smart lights

Particularly at night, having lights coming on and off at irregular times can also help deter prospective intruders by making your home appear to be occupied. Almost half of Irish homeowners (44%) already use such ‘smart’ lights while they are away, while 20% leave their blinds or curtains open while on holidays.

Homeowners who are looking at travelling over the coming weeks and months should consider putting these home security measures in place and reduce the risk of burglaries over the holiday period.

José Luis García Camiñas, Product Leader for Liberty Seguros in Europe said:

“As Irish consumers start to look ahead to the holiday season, whether over Easter or in the summer months, there are a number of measures that should be considered to help protect your home while you are away.

“Installing Security systems, asking neighbours to check in while you are absent, and avoiding social media posts while on holidays are important measures that consumers can take. As individual measures they can help, but it is most valuable if consumers implement a number of them at the same time to maximise the protection they can provide.

“In the event that something does go wrong, your insurance coverage should give you peace of mind. Each home is different, so the important thing is to have insurance coverage that meets the true needs of each person or family. "