Liberty became one of four founding members of the ‘Remote Alliance’

Published on 10 September 2021
Liberty Insurance joins Grow Remote in Ireland

In September 2021, Liberty became one of four founding members of the ‘Remote Alliance’. The initiative is designed to lead the way for other Irish employers to commit to long-term remote working. The Remote Alliance brings together some of Ireland's leading employers - Vodafone, ESB, eBay and Liberty - who all recognise that remote work has the power to transform and reinvigorate local communities by giving people access to job opportunities regardless of where they live. Remote Alliance signatories committed to embedding remote working within their organisations in a sustainable way, with the aim of unlocking more remote job opportunities for people living anywhere in Ireland. 

Ultimately the purpose of the Remote Alliance is to build sustainable and thriving local communities across Ireland by leading the way for other business. The objective of the Remote Alliance is to establish a forum of some of Ireland’s leading employers to share best practice in the transition to remote and hybrid working.

Since that time, Liberty has been meeting with Alliance members on a monthly basis, facilitated by Grow Remote. In October of this year, through the forum, Grow Remote have published ‘Remote Alliance Playbook’ for companies considering the move to more digital working models. We also have participated in the training programmes for job seekers looking to develop remote working skills.